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2012-08-11 10:19


  It’s your birthday month so you are more “out there”, exuberant and expansive than usual. Certainly you are spreading your influence far and wide, way beyond your usual sphere and the spotlight (or if you like, the Sun) is very much on you.

  In fact this is a great month to start something new, initiate projects, establish relationships, switch careers/jobs – those kinds of things – because your confidence and enthusiasm are at their peak.

  The past couple of months have given you a pretty good indication of where you’re “at” and you’re well equipped to make sensible and smart decisions about your future. You are very much what you do - you need and feed off validation and applause - and towards the end of the month (when the Sun moves into Virgo) there will be a significant change to your position (or how you see yourself positioned).

  Your self-belief should be well and truly cemented by the time August comes to a close, just so long as you don’t miss out on all the opportunities that are going to be coming your way. You’ve learnt how to talk the talk, and walk the walk – now you want others to give you the appropriate dues – and that includes emotional ones!

  It’s more important to you more than ever to have a real, deep and consequential kind of love (as opposed to the one night, one month kind…).

  It’s possible that instead of receiving gratitude and recognition, that instead you feel a great well of disenchantment because nobody (or a certain someone) doesn’t “get” you and it’s even more of a chagrin because you’ve gone out of you way to be helpful and kind. (I won’t go as far to say that you feel used and abused but disappointed certainly).

  With Mercury moving forward in your own sign after the first week I don’t think you’ll be reticent in telling someone how you feel and you’ll be quite direct and to the point.

  Those in relationships will be discussing the past and present (more than the future) but try and be kind to yourself and give your mind a break - you could be tormenting yourself with your thoughts.

  For best results try and convert what you’re thinking into words because these hold great power now, and you can ask for what you want (people aren’t mind readers!) and communication appears to be the key to success in all areas of you life.

  At any rate the Cosmos speaks of positive outcomes for any unresolved relationships and by the time August has come to an end you’ll be back on track.

  Want to know more? Ask Stellar


  There are expressions such as “make your bed and lie in it”, or “as you sow, so shall you reap”. In other words it is slowing beginning to dawn on you the ramifications of some action that you took a decision reached or statement that you made some time back that is now coming home to roost.

  It seemed like a good idea at the time but on reflection, it’s not quite “right” or the person is not as they seemed, or an idea is not going to hold up. Whatever it is you need to try and do a U-turn and extricate yourself from the situation because it will have emotional consequences.

  You can’t play innocent with this one, and you can’t put some spin on it and portray yourself in a positive light (which you are apt to do) because this has become a runaway train.

  Best to take time out and lay low to collect your thoughts and reassess the situation knowing that in some way you have to come to terms with some form of pain or discomfort.

  It also appears necessary to congregate with others, in a common cause in order to reach a desired goal or outcome. If it’s a group problem (and you are one of the group) then it may fall at your feet to be the one to attempt to resolve the impasse.

  This issue has probably been around for a while but it’s coming to a head and speaks of ongoing issues over money and joint resources – who owns what, what percentages - and how to “divvy up the spoils”. It may be a small issue now and about to become a bigger headache or it could be a big one, about to boil over. This issue has to be dealt with once and for all - unless you want it to be an ongoing financial headache (or migraine).

  The full moon early in the month is likely to make you more emotional over this issue, and more inclined to apportion blame for the position you find yourself in. Issues that you have to consider are selfishness versus sharing, and your personal needs versus those of the group or another (as in joint resources). But you do have someone in the background directing the show and ensuring that your interests are protected and hopefully ensuring positive outcomes for you.

  It won’t be easy to work in unison to get this sorted but you must make a positive effort as the Cosmos is indicating time is running out, two months at best.

  Want to know more? Ask Stellar




