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2012-08-11 10:19




  And about time! You’ve been stifled for long enough and dealing with domestic dross so the second half of August will be sensational.

  You want to be YOU and not wear the mask of spouse, sibling, employee, employer or whatever it is that you’ve been obliged to perform. And it is a performance because you haven’t felt like you could be your authentic self for a while (if you were, what a ruckus you would make with some of your disclosures when “speaking from the heart”…!)

  Actually the first half should be pretty good also. Whatever issues you’ve had in your domestic and family scene you appear to have resolved to some extent (or agreed to disagree). Home is where the heart is. There should even be some get-together of significance, perhaps family related, a reunion, bar mitzvah, christening, sibling wedding and the like.

  But mid month is a Venus square Uranus this is the “divorce” square so if it’s applicable you have been warned. Singles or newly partnered will have an increased desire to be emotionally free and reluctance to commit yourself to any one relationship (as in you’ll be playing the field!). In fact, especially in the second half of the month you will be especially socially active, looking for excitement and “fresh flesh” (as in new people) and new interests.

  All Arians will be somewhat restless and rebellious (it hasn’t been an easy passage) and how far you take that is really up to the individual set of circumstances. Some will be emotionally capricious others will be venting emotions but you do need to let it all out. And then take in a deep breath…you do feel like you’ve been strangled.

  If you’ve been holding it all in (how you feel about a spouse, boss, friend, sibling) you’ve actually done yourself and the connections some damage – not been truthful and it’s been somewhat unhealthy and unhelpful for you holding in all that growing negativity. Apart from being toxic, when you are unhappy you attract unhappiness.

  At any rate whatever the outcomes you’ll be coming out of hiding to play, and no matter where in the world you are, chances are that involves some kind of escape (a journey, trip etc.).

  But you will end the month feeling happy and contented which is an uncommon feeling.

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  With the Venus square Uranus mid month, watch what you say as communication can go awry mid month. Even though Mercury ceases retrograding at the end of the first week, the Venus square Uranus indicates that some matter to do with “communication” comes to an end or something that has been said or written that has been hidden or behind the scenes comes to light.

  Someone’s intention may be revealed or you realize what a certain someone thinks about you finally (via the written or spoken word) or you have an adversary in a written context (as in a legal case), or someone writes to complain about you or write to you to “let you go” or vice versa. There may be some mixed communications issue in the first week (an issue hanging over from July thanks to the Mercury retrograde) and it could be compounded by the square.

  You have a propensity at the moment to make unwise choices just because you’re frustrated or resentful because someone is opposing you in some way. The first couple of weeks is mostly about hard work and “run-ins” and it’s important to watch you tongue as you could lash out at someone (not a good idea if it’s someone who is instrumental to your plans..!)

  Thankfully the latter half of the month seems rather fun and over overall you are on the ‘up-and-up’. Travel may figure in the picture also but once the Sun enters you house of fun in the last week, there will be a remarkable upswing to your mood and energy levels. You’ll be seeking support from others and this could even extend to going all out for validation (and that has emotional and sexual connotations as this is the house of pleasure also!).

  Still on the work/career front this is an excellent time to kick-start or launch a new project or activity and for a lucky few you’ll pull off an amazing coup. You may encounter some opposition (more around mid month) but as August starts to unfold you could be leaving people with their mouths open in surprise. Living well is the best revenge and you will enjoy turning the tables on your nemeses as success is heading your way!

  No matter what irritations you encounter in the first couple of weeks (and there will be a few), but more as a result of your own mistakes and silly actions and decisions than anything else. You have the Cosmos’s blessing to become self-centered and to seek self-gratification going into September (which BTW is a GREAT month).

  There is something someone else wants (or you want) and you may have a different “take” on a situation than they do. Family, loved ones and even authority figures (the law and bosses!) are not going to be overly understanding or even sympathetic to your cause, so “faire attention!". Try to be as fair, conciliatory and objective as you can, but you can’t avoid having to give the equivalent of either a “yes” or “no” answer.

  Take care of numero-uno and rely on yourself and even take a risk or two (with life that is) and you'll get the most from the month.

  Want to know more? Ask Stellar




