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2012-08-11 10:19


  You’ll enter August feeling ignored and overlooked - not an ideal state of affairs. You’ll also need to monitor your reactions as the potential for inappropriate (and potentially embarrassing) scenes are a distinct possibility because you will be feeling a lot more emotional than usual (and even an Aquarian can “lose it occasionally!).

  There have been a series of life events that have been disheartening and you could even be feeling somewhat cynical and disillusioned about life in general. The full moon early in the month is the Cosmos is giving you the energy and drive to become more self-assertive and self-reliant and to worry about your own needs.

  Perhaps in a career sense there has been some respect issues (or lack of) and you’ve been overlooked or worse, rejected. Sadly I feel that you may have trusted someone or believed that something would eventuate or was “in the bag” only to discover that it wasn’t. It might involve a business deal with a foreign company or something with an overseas connection, but don’t even consider suing for breach of contract, if that is what has occurred because it will be a waste of time and money.

  Perhaps it wasn’t clear because the issue does appear to be a bit cloudy so it may simply be a misunderstanding, but you’re the one left feeling disappointed. You can’t allow (whatever it was that occurred) to damage your self-esteem (or make you doubt your own capabilities and judgment).

  There has been an injustice but part of the “lesson” is to move on and be more assertive next time in ensuring that your needs are met (and very clear in the mutual expectations).

  Actually a lot of Aquarians will be doing just that, moving on either organizing a trip or literally flying/moving or at the very least getting away from where you usually spend the bulk of your time.

  It’s possible you want to do something quite earth shattering but I would simply suggest keeping that mind of yours active (and yourself busy) whilst Uranus is in this part of your chart otherwise you’re going to spend the next years feeling restless.

  Still you will be breaking new ground (and you could develop a work liaison) because a relationship you develop with someone that you meet at your place of work will have romantic overtones. But you’ve learnt from your mistakes from the past (and that is not likely to be your boss or anyone inappropriate) and besides right now being involved full stop doesn’t really seem to suit you!

  What you do want to do is gain a better understanding of all your relationships; the friends and ones at the office seem fine - great even - it’s those other more complicated and “closer ones” that tend to bring you undone.

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  There’s a yin and a yang aspect to your month - it’s quite “polarized” - so how it turns out is anyone’s guess. On the one hand it looks to be a love month, on the other there is some kind of disappointment or frustration relating to your finances and this dichotomy seems to be an ongoing theme with Pisces at the moment.

  At any rate you are officially quite “hot” in August and even if that’s not age-appropriate you’re very charming and good-humored. There will be lots of passion; arguments but quickly followed by the “kissing and makeup” part, so it’s enjoyable and has a frisson of excitement.

  At work you are literally a beacon of light, your personality and abilities are shining and you will be making a stellar impression - left, right and centre and you’re not going to be backwards in coming forwards either. You will be pushing your own barrow, which is great for a change!

  You seem happy and having fun, and yet early in the month the full moon seems to have the effect of sucking the lifeblood out of you. That should all be blown over by mid month when hopefully the fun part kicks in! As for the first week you’ll be lying low and perhaps you receive news that is a setback to your plans or you finally get the truth on a matter that’s been hidden from you.

  It could be a health issue (hopefully not) or a secret that you tell or is told to you (or worse a secret about you comes to light!) and it’s likely that this is in relation to your health. Any problems you want to keep under wraps?

  That said, many Pisceans will be taking that step to get counseling to help rid you of whatever memories or deeply buried issues are still troubling you.

  Whatever you do (or whatever transpires) early in the month it won’t curtail you for long and doesn’t seem to be too much of a setback because you’re back fighting for your place in the sun. A word of caution though, money is an issue at the moment, you are either spending it unwisely (or giving of yourself in some way) with little or no guarantees of a return.

  Still you are driven to pursuing that ongoing business interest or idea that you have been contemplating for a while now and this will affect your bottom line in a significant way. It could be a purchase, an inheritance, a business idea or something closer to home and more personal like a house or some other form of dwelling or real estate.

  The said part though is for some Piscine readers someone or a group who was much loved, or once very close to you seem to be the very folk who you are up against. Because you are so nice you will have a delayed response and that will be to your disadvantage.

  You have to be cruel in order to be kind to yourself – please keep that in mind if it affects your security and financial interests.

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