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2012-08-11 10:19


  You enter August with it all “happening for you” and your dreams can come to fruition over the next couple of weeks. You’ll be doing the things you love doing, socializing with friends and being happy, lighthearted, and social.

  Group affiliations figure prominently and you’ll be networking like mad and making new connections - business and social – but the latter is equally important for the former and the results are very positive. Follow your dreams because you are on the right track (even if you do have so many irons in the fire and new ideas to consider!) but it’s all about breaking new ground and moving on.

  You’ll be away from your home a lot more than usual, either through travelling or as a byproduct of your heavy social agenda, and you may be visiting or entertaining you children (or doing more activities with them).

  It’s a very social month for most of it (the first three weeks certainly) and if you’re single or in a relatively new partnership you will be sorting out the status and bedding it down or easing it out…

  At the end of the month you’ll put your feet up and hibernate from the world and restore your energies. It will be timely then to consider what associations that you’ve formed or associations that you have established that are not productive (or are in fact weighing you down).

  This will be a precursor to your solar return so use the end of August and into early September to wipe the slate clean of any external and business distractions that you simply don’t need. The coming months are all about reviewing the avenues in which you have invested your energy self-expression and deciding which way to go.

  You’ll be out and about again in September but by months end you’ll be concentrating on your personal and private affairs (and perhaps focusing on those financial issues of someone close….)

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  As the transit of Saturn draws to a close in October you are in the midst of reflecting on how you’ve lived your life over the past few years, or more probably the past few decades!

  The decisions you made in the past are having a great bearing on your present (the old “cause and effect” scenario) and this becomes more and more apparent in the closing months of this transit. You need to decide if you wish to stand by some of your commitments or which ones you need to let go.

  The law of Physics states for each and every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (you see Karma is a science!) and you are facing up to some of the consequences of just that theory.

  There may be nothing you can do about it, and a sense of futility.

  If for example you’re a male Scorpio who’s lost all his assets because you ran of with a 22 year old (lucky you!) then there isn’t much you feel you can do about it. That’s just one “out there” example or you might love someone but can’t have them and feel powerless to do anything about your situation.

  At any rate the connection between what you’re feeling now and the actions and decision you made the past are very strongly entwined (and this is especially so if you have been selfish and had little regard for the feelings of others). The Cosmos is not a cruel taskmaster - you had a hand in the outcomes and are instrumental in your own pain – something you may care to remember for next time around as past actions will always catch up with you.

  Your current thinking is not overly sound and your emotional state is also a bit suspect and you don’t actually know what you want!

  You’ll be rather introspective and escape into the recesses of your inner world and perhaps do some soul searching. Perhaps it’s your upbringing has impacted on your current attitude but much of your thinking for most of August will center around your home and personal life.

  If it’s not quite as intense as above (sadly for a large number of Scorps) then this could range from how you juggle both home and career successfully to an issue regarding a parent, or the home itself that requires your attention this month.

  It’s a repairing month – of yourself, your relationships, your domestic scene, your home and most of your thinking and decisions will revolve around this issues – but it will all turn out for the best and you’ll be able to see the big picture of your emotional life (in some cases for the first time).

  Want to know more? Ask Stellar




