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2012-08-11 10:19


  Jupiter’s presence in your relationship house has probably gotten you way off track (which is most likely where you want to be with a certain someone!) but not if it’s to your detriment.

  If your head and heart are up in the clouds your business life could be going down the gurgler; or if you are expending all your time and energy fighting with an adversary, it’s valuable time taken away from your own pursuits. Free yourself up from whatever is distracting your attention so you can go back to concentrating on your business needs or enjoying life (whichever is more applicable to you).

  There is an issue you will be debating ad naseum this month but it won’t be easy for you to remain on the sidelines as you have a vested interest and therefore are not objective in the least. You’ll be arguing your case strongly because you feel impassioned by it!

  But don’t get “the group” off side because you’re being fanatical in pursuit of your cause (and you are involved in a group), it’s not a solo effort this one). Mars of course can cause friction and conflict and I do see this happening if you are too one-eyed about your own interests and the upshot will be opposition and enmity if you go too far or try to dominate the situation.

  Therefore I cannot stress enough that cooperative efforts are the way to go in getting what you really, really want. Under Saturn's scrutiny how you work or deal with others and your peers will become more important to you and some degree of discomfort can arise as you remove the superfluous associations from your life.

  You are by nature, a social and outgoing person so challenges in this area of your life can be difficult for you but the aim here is to make you a better friend, teammate, and colleague.

  Ethics, loyalty, integrity and support are all the things you should be demonstrating, as these areas will be under the spotlight. Don’t be found wanting because when Saturn enters your 12th house in a couple of months you don’t want to be raking over of your failures or regret and for those things you’d wished you’d done or hadn’t done...

  That said overall you’ll still enjoy the first couple of weeks, and if you can, it’s wise to put the final touches of these professional and business issues on the back burner whilst Mercury is retrograding. You’re likely reach accord on this pending issue early in the month but not finalize it until the second half.

  At any rate, the upshot of any agreements and finalized contracts will serve to make you even more optimistic about the future - so it’s evidently to your liking!

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  In some way love and intimacy have figured strongly in your life for a while and will do so again for most of August. There are power and control issues also – no doubt about that whatsoever – and if you’re not in a romantic partnership, then this will be with a boss or some other similar authority figure (or institution).

  Thankfully you are taking better care of your own needs these days, but early in the month you do need to take extra care about your finances. Normally you are completely switched on and sensible but this full moon is affecting your usual shewdness - do don’t go out and buy the farm or any other kind of major purchase (just yet)!

  But this doesn’t necessarily have to do with possessions and purchases it has also a lot to do with your values or perhaps in some way you have placed more of a value on something than simply the dollar value.

  A house for example may represent a lifestyle or image and therefore you have invested an emotional component into it. You have to work out now what it is that you really value, and how much it means to you, lifestyle, self-esteem and a monetary value.

  August will be about instigating changes that further your ambitions and lifestyle, including career and personal changes but there could also be some resistance to these proposed changes in certain quarters.

  People are perhaps used to you being more accommodating than you are now, you’re no longer going to kowtow or defer to anyone these days, and this is going to cause some friction. Whilst you see it as a situation (or a person) holding you back from achieving your goals, they see it as you being recalcitrant and overly determined.

  It’s more important than ever for you to state your case, because how people deal with you and/or address your demands is closely tied up with how you’re going to feel about yourself. Rejection will cause you to be insecure and acceptance and approval will give you a big injection of confidence.

  But you will make extraordinary headway if you don’t allow yourself to be talked out of your ambitions and you can really carve a niche in life or whatever areas you are immersed in (great time to go to job interviews BTW).

  A financial issue will be on the agenda early in the month and perhaps you sell a business or receive a settlement but either way you seem happy with this windfall.

  No matter if you are single or attached you will be the recipient of some rather persistent attention for most of the month (well certainly the last three weeks) and at least your romantic life will make you happy! Even if you’re not, you’re more willing to make peace and be co-operative (and singles have a very strong likelihood of hooking up this month) as you are very responsive to any approaches made at this time. You’ll be pulling out all stops to find a partner because you really don’t like being without one anymore!!

  Besides it’s better to have someone to hold you hand when you rule the world…

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