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鼠来宝2经典台词及精彩对白 中英对照版

2016-08-03 11:13



  1.Sorry, Dave, l can't hear you over the thousands of fans screaming my name

  抱歉,大卫,我听不见 太多粉丝在呼喊我的名字了

  2.Alvin, take it easy out there. You gotta share the spotlight. 艾尔文,上台不要急 你得分享舞台

  3.Wait a minute. Why is he in charge? He's counting on me.Dave, please don't die. He's just sleeping. He's had a sedative.


  4.We're back! Let's go! Give me the Black Beauty.

  我们回来了! 真是的!黑美人给我!

  5.Not gone. Not gone, guys. He's... He's not dead. He's very much alive. He's completely coming back. l'm just gonna be in his room, keeping his bed warm. l'm gonna be doing my thing, you'll be doing your thing. You're not even gonna know l'm there. We're supposed to know you're there.

  不是那种不在,他没死 他活的好好的,他只是暂时不在,他会回来,我只是要住他房里,帮他暖被子,我们各做各的事,你们会根本感觉不到我的存在,本来就应该要有你在


  6.Listen, l want you guys to go home and live a normal childhood. l've even made arrangements for you to go to school.

  听着,慈善巡演已经结束 我要你们回家过个正常的童年,我甚至做了安排,让你们上学

  7.Excuse me. l'm here to escort the Chipmunks home. We're not leaving Dave. l'm putting my paw down on this one.

  抱歉 我是来护送花栗鼠们回家的,我们不会扔下大卫,我决不会退让

  8.l'm just saying, l'm not gonna be, like, ''l know everything'', and, ''You do this, and you do that,'' like my dad.

  我是说我不会是个„完美先生 一付"我什么都知道","你做这、你做那"的样子 像我爸一样

  9.l think he just wanted his space. l still see him around the neighborhood, you know. He, like, hisses and claws at me, but l think that's just his way of saying we're stiltight. You know. You guys have nothing to worry about, seriously, 'cause l'm not gonna be like Dave.



