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李安电影作品有哪些 李安电影盘点

2013-06-05 15:22



  派的生活/漂流少年Pi Life of Pi ------- (2012)

  制造伍德斯托克/胡士托风波(台/港) Taking Woodstock ------- (2009)

  小游戏 A Little Game ------- (2008)

  色•戒/色戒 Se, jie ------- (2007)

  断背山 Brokeback Mountain ------- (2005)

  绿巨人/绿巨人浩克/变形侠医 Hulk ------- (2003)

  圣子 Chosen ------- (2001)

  卧虎藏龙 Wo hu cang long ------- (2000)

  与魔鬼共骑 Ride with the Devil ------- (1999)

  冰风暴 The Ice Storm ------- (1997)

  理智与情感/理性与感性(台) Sense and Sensibility ------- (1995)

  饮食男女 Yin shi nan nu ------- (1994)

  喜宴/喜筵 Xi yan ------- (1993)

  推手 Tui shou ------- (1992)


  Tiles of Deception, Lurid Affections: The Making of 'Lust, Caution' ------- (2008)

  La noche de los Oscar ------- (2008)

  好莱坞的中国人 Hollywood Chinese ------- (2007)

  Fabulous! The Story of Queer Cinema ------- (2006)

  The 11th Annual Critics' Choice Awards ------- (2006)

  第78届奥斯卡颁奖典礼 The 78th Annual Academy Awards ------- (2006)

  IFP Gotham Awards 2005 ------- (2005)

  On Being a Cowboy ------- (2005)

  Logo Movie Special: 'Brokeback Mountain' ------- (2005)

  Venecia 2005: Crónica de Carlos Boyero ------- (2005)

  Le cinéma passe à table ------- (2005)

  喜宴 The Wedding Banquet: A Forbidden Passion ------- (2004)

  荷里活性女大全 Sex at 24 Frames Per Second ------- (2003)

  Filmemacher Ang Lee, Der ------- (2003)

  The Making of 'Hulk' ------- (2003)

  "Independent View" ------- (2002)

  The 2002 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards ------- (2002)

  功夫片岁月 The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture ------- (2002)

  第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards ------- (2001)

  "+ de cinéma" ------- (2001)

  A Feast for the Eyes: Ang Lee in Taipei ------- (2001)

  The 2001 IFP/West Independent Spirit Awards ------- (2001)

  男生女相:中国电影之性别 Yang ± Yin: Gender in Chinese Cinema ------- (1996)

  "Días de cine" ------- (1991)

  "Cinema tres" ------- (1984)



