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2013-07-31 14:46

  5. The Holiday 恋爱假期

  Amanda Woods (Cameron Diaz) with her best friend Miles (Jack Black) owns a company that produces movie trailers. She handles editing while he provides incidental score, and scenes concerning her are occasionally accompanied by narration in the voice of Hal Douglas. Amanda is an extreme workaholic. Iris Simpkins (Kate Winslet) is a society column editor for The Daily Telegraph in London. Both women are suffering from heartache: While Amanda discovers that her live-in boyfriend (Edward Burns) has cheated on her, due to their lackluster relationship, Iris learns that Jasper Bloom (Rufus Sewell), the object of Iris' unrequited love, is engaged after he announces it at the office Christmas party. Seeking an escape, Iris posts an ad for her "quaint cottage in Surrey" on a home-swap website, which Amanda eagerly accepts...

  爱丽斯(凯特·温斯莱特 Kate Winslet饰)住在英国伦敦的乡村,而阿曼达(卡梅隆·迪亚兹 Cameron Diaz饰)则是洛杉矶的美国丽人。她们在天南地北的两端,却遇上了同样的问题:在感情上遭受了挫败,令生活灰暗无光。二人在网上聊天,商议在圣诞节到来之前,到对方的环境去生活,交互双方的住所作为度假场地。于是,一场令人兴奋的旅行开始了。爱丽斯来到美国大都市,阿曼达则乘班机前往极具英伦情调的英国乡村。除了新鲜的生活环境,当地男生的魅力更让她们猝不及防。

  6. Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿

  Young orphan Oliver Twist is forcibly brought to a workhouse on his ninth birthday. He and the other resident children are treated poorly and given very little food. Facing starvation, the boys select Oliver (through a lottery) to ask for more food at the next meal, which he tentatively does. This results in Oliver being chastised, and the workhouse officials, who are wealthy, well-fed, hypocritical men, decide to get rid of him. After nearly being sold as an apprentice to a cruel chimney sweep, Oliver is sent to Mr. Sowerberry, a coffin-maker, whose wife and senior apprentice take an instant dislike to the newcomer. After more poor treatment, Oliver snaps and attacks Noah, the snotty older apprentice, for having insulted his mother. Knowing his life with the Sowerberrys will only get worse, Oliver escapes on foot...

  本片根据英国作家狄更斯1838年的名著《雾都孤儿》改编。孤儿奥利弗(巴尼·克拉克 Barney Clark 饰)由教会抚养长大,9岁时被送去童工厂拣填絮,后被卖给棺材铺当学徒,屡受欺侮。奥利弗从棺材铺逃跑,步行七十英里到达伦敦,遇见小偷“机灵鬼”(哈利 ·伊登 Harry Eden 饰),并被收入犹太老头费金(本·金斯利 Ben Kinsley 饰)的盗窃团伙。奥利弗第一次出徒便被诬陷偷窃布朗罗先生(爱德华·哈德威克 Edward Hardwicke饰)的丝帕,并被打昏在地。被好心的布朗罗先生带回家收养,却在替布朗罗先生跑差途中被费金的同僚比尔(杰米·福尔曼 Jamie Foreman饰)抓获。比尔逼迫奥利弗协助他与同伙托比(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)入夜行窃布朗罗先生家。小奥利弗不从,眼看命在旦夕……




