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2013-07-31 14:46

  3. Kate & Leopold 穿越时空爱上你

  In 1876, Leopold Alexis Elijah Walker Thomas Gareth Mountbatten, Duke of Albany, is a stifled dreamer. Strict Uncle Millard (Paxton Whitehead) has no patience for Leopold's disrespect for the monarchy, chastising him and telling him he must marry a rich American, as the Mountbatten family finances are depleted. His uncle has told him that on his "thirtieth birthday he had become a blemish to the family name".

  The Duke finds Stuart Besser (Liev Schreiber), an amateur physicist (and descendant of Leopold, according to deleted scenes) perusing his schematic diagrams and taking photographs of them. He had seen him earlier at Roebling's speech about the Brooklyn Bridge. Leopold follows Stuart and tries to save him from what he thinks is a suicide, falling after him into the portal that brought the man there in the first place.

  Leopold awakens in 21st century New York. He is at first confused and thinks that he has been kidnapped. Stuart says that he has created formulae to forecast portals in the temporal universe and that Leopold must stay inside his apartment until the portal opens again a week later. As Stuart takes his dog out, he is injured by falling into the elevator shaft, and is eventually institutionalized for speaking about his scientific discovery...

  莱伯特(休·杰克曼 饰)是19世纪的一名落魄贵族公爵,在家人为他安排的相亲宴会上,他为了追踪一个陌生人,疯狂科学家斯图尔特,无意闯入时空隧道,来到了100多年后的21世纪,斯图尔特的意外住院使公爵面对陌生的环境举步维艰。机缘巧合下,他邂逅了斯图尔特的前女友凯特(梅格·瑞恩 饰):一个野心勃勃、独立聪明的广告界女强人,一连串的事情,使二人互相吸引,谱写出一段跨越时空的浪漫恋曲......但是,穿越时空的情感注定不会一帆风顺。为了顺应历史的发展,出院的斯图尔特不得不把莱伯特送回属于他的年代,莱伯特和凯特刚刚开始的恋情面临时空分离的危机。两人是命定的缘分还是刹那的相逢?两人能否穿越时空的阻隔在一起?

  4. Trainspotting 猜火车

  Set in Edinburgh, the film begins with Mark Renton's (Ewan McGregor) statement that unlike people who "choose life" (i.e. a traditional family lifestyle with children, financial stability and material possessions), he has chosen an alternative lifestyle of a heroin addict. Renton's close circle of football enthusiast friends are introduced: Sick Boy, Spud and Renton are all heroin addicts, while Tommy and Begbie openly criticise heroin use, even as they indulge in binge drinking and chain smoking. After quitting heroin, Renton struggles to adjust. The return to sobriety forces Renton to view his friends much more critically as they spend time together sober engaging in unconventional activities.

  After a tragic relapse, Renton moves to London and starts a job as a property letting agent. He begins to enjoy the vibrancy of London, still clean off heroin, and saves up money on the side. His happiness is short-lived, however, as his 'friends' continually bring their dramas to him...

  本片描述了苏格兰爱丁堡一群吸毒青年垃圾式的生活现状。马克·瑞登(伊云·麦葵格 饰)是一个十足的颓废青年,和一群狐朋狗友过着无所事事的生活,他们坑蒙拐骗、吸毒,共同养着一个父不详的婴儿,荒唐、堕落。某次吸毒的意外,婴儿死了,对马克带来很大的震撼;马克和好友土豆抢劫被抓,土豆坐牢,马克勒令戒毒。戒毒成功的马克成为房地产经济,开始过正常人的生活。然而,马克并没有摆脱过去的阴影,以前的朋友再次找到他,扰乱了他的生活,这使他不胜其烦,他决定彻底摆脱他们……




