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2011-04-06 15:12

  时态 表示内容 谓语动词的构成 常用的时间状语 例句

  一般现在时 现阶段经常发生的动作或存在的状态 动词原形(包括第三人称单数形式+s / es) often、usually、always、sometimes、every day、in the morning (afternoon …)等 He is often late for school.

  She usually goes to work on foot.

  一般将来时 将要发生的动作或存在的状态 shall / will + 动词原形

  am / is / are going to + 动词原形

  am / is / are to + 动词原形

  am / is / are about to + 动词原形

  am / is / are + 动词-ing tomorrow、next week、this month、in an hour、the day after tomorrow 等 He will go to Shanghai next week.

  I am going to buy a book tomorrow.

  They are to see a film in a hour.

  She is about to mend the bike later.

  I am flying to Guangzhou next week.

  一般过去时 过去发生的动作或存在的状态 动词过去式 (一般+ed , 特殊见课本不规则表) yesterday、last week、three days ago、before、 the day before yesterday 等 I finished my homework yesterday.

  He went to Gaozhou three days ago.

  现在进行时 现在正在进行的动作 am / is / are + 动词现在分词 now、It's six o'clock.也可用look、listen 等词提示 They are doing their homework now.

  Look! The boy is playing basketball.

  过去进行时 过去某个时刻正在进行的动作 was / were + 动词现在分词 at six yesterday morning、this time yesterday、也可用when等引导的从句 I was sleeping at 11 last night .

  They were cooking when the bell rang .

  现在完成时 动作发生在过去,已结束,对现在有影响;或者开始在过去一直持续到现在的动作。 have / has + 动词过去分词 (一般+ed , 特殊见课本不规则表) already、ever、never、just for three days、since 1998 、by the end of this term、yet 等 I have already finished my work .

  He hasn't found out who broke the door .

  过去完成时 过去某个时间之前已经完成了的动作 had + 动词过去分词 By the end of last month、when、before等引导的从句 I had seen the film when I was in college.

  The meeting had begun before we arrived .

  过去将来时 从过去某个时间看将来发生的动作 should / would + 动词原形

  was / were going to +动词原形

  was / were to + 动词原形

  was / were about to + 动词原形

  was / were + 动词-ing 通常在宾语从句中出现,主句为 共有4条文章 页次:2/4 分页:

  过去时 He said (that) he would go to Maoming the next day .

  She told me (that) she was moving to France in two days .




