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短篇英语恐怖故事分享 短篇英语(4)

2017-07-27 11:18

  She hadn't known anyone else was in there with her, but there stood a blonde girl in a blue cheerleading uniform. The name Alicia was spelled out in gold letters on her tunic.




  The girl began prying at a large piece of plywood on the far wall. The plywood had been revealed when the tiles covering it had shaken off in the tremor. The plywood came off with a loud groan, and Lacey followed the girl into a dark musty hallway.

  Thick dust covered the floor and spider web blurred the dim ceiling. It was obvious that this place hadn't been used in a long time. The only light came from a grimy window at the far end of the hall, and Lacey hurried to keep the blue uniform in sight.

  Broken glass fallen plaster and other things that Lacey didn't want to think about crunched under her feet as she made her way towards the distant light. To her relief, she realized that the light was coming from a door leading to the outside.

  The blonde girl pushed open the door and indicated that Lacey should exit first. Lacey stumbled into the sunlight and gasped the fresh air. Almost immediately an aftershock shook the earth and Lacey was knocked to the ground. When she stood up, the girl was gone and the door was closed.




  Lacey's coach came running towards her, shouting to rescue workers that Lacey had been found. Urgently, Lacey pleaded with the workers to find Alicia, to find the girl who had led her to safety. The door was pried open and the party entered the dusty hallway.

  Oddly, only one set of footprints could be seen winding down the dusty hallway, but workers followed them quickly to the abandoned bathroom. Alicia was nowhere to be seen.



  Later, in her living room at home Lacey was propped up on the couch recovering from her ordeal. Luckily no one had been hurt in the quake.

  Alicia had never been located, but no cheerleaders were missing, so it was assumed she'd been a girl from another squad.

  A knock was heard at the door, and Lacey could hear her mother speaking softly with a woman at the door.

  After she led a blonde woman into the room and introduced her to Lacey awhile. The woman said she'd like to talk to Lacey for a bit if she was up to it. This is what she told her:



  The woman whose name was Amy Porter had been a cheerleader along with her twin sister Alicia, at the old school many years ago. One night during cheerleading practice, a terrible earthquake had hit.

  Alicia and Amy had been in the bathroom and had run for the door at the first tremors. Amy made it safely outside, but Alicia had been hit by a falling beam and died in the hallway. The school boarded up the old hallway after that, deciding that it couldn't be made safe.

  The school, lately named Alicia Porter Memorial High School, had tiled over the entrance to the old hall, and no one had thought about it for years.




  That is, until a cheerleader named Alicia led Lacey Delgado to safety down the old abandoned hallway.






