垃圾食品(Junk Food),是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品,那么垃圾食品英语这么说呢?今天就来给大家介绍一下,一起看看吧。
[名]junk food;
[例句]那都是糖果和垃圾食品。That's all candy and junk food.
1. 油炸类食品 ried foods
2. 腌制类食品 Pickled foods
3.加工类肉食品 Processing of meat products
4.饼干类食品(不含低温烘烤和全麦饼干) Biscuit categories of food (excluding low-temperature baking and whole wheat biscuits)
5.汽水可乐类食品 Soft drinks Coke products
6.方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品) Convenience foods (mainly referring to instant noodles and expanded food)
7.罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类) Canned foods (including meat and fish and fruit)
8. 话梅蜜饯类食品(果脯) Hua Mei preserves the categories of food (Preserves)
9.冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒和各种雪糕) Frozen dessert products (ice cream, popsicles and all kinds of ice cream)
10.烧烤类食品 Barbecue food
1.We think that meat and fried foods are not healthy .
2.Pickled foods high salt content of which also contains a lot of nitrite , easy to induce gastric cancer.
3.Even biscuit can blunt the edge of your appetite .
4.Anything to drink ?You can refill soft drinks for free .
5.There are children Aihe sweet drink , eat Expanded food , fried chicken, fried mutton string , the impact of food on the throat are very good , easy to add to pharyngitis .
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