主页 > 教育培训 > 外语培训 > 正文


2014-03-03 11:57


  Unit 1 Overview of Computer

  Text Overview of Computer

  Reading Materials Who Invented the Computer

  Unit 2 Hardware

  Text A Overview

  Text B Microcomputer System

  Reading Materials Digital Camera

  Practical Writing Configurations List

  Unit 3 Operating Systems

  Text Operating Systems

  Reading Materials A Particular Operating System

  Practice Describe the Screen of Windows

  Unit 4 Application Software

  Text A The Basic Application Software: Microsoft Office Suites

  Text B A Particular Kind of Application Software: Multimedia Software

  Reading Materials A Particular Application Software: ACDSee

  Practical Writing The Introduction Document of Application Software

  Unit 5 Database

  Text A Database Overview

  Text B Some Frequently Used Database Management System

  Reading Materials The Introduction of Structured Design

  Practical Writing Abstract of a Paper

  Unit 6 Programming Language

  Text A Computer Language Overview

  Text B Object-Oriented Language

  Reading Materials Java

  Case Program Note

  Unit 7 Network Essentials

  Text A Network Overview

  Text B The OSI Reference Model

  Reading Materials The TCP/IP Reference Model & The

  TCP/IP Protocol Suite

  Use Case

  Unit 8 lnternet and WWW

  Text Internet

  Reading Materials Web Blog

  Practical Writing How to Create and Send an E-mail Message?

  Unit 9 Computer Security and Virus

  Text A Computer Security

  Text B Virus

  Reading Materials Firewall and Firewall Software

  Practice Installation of Antivirus Software——Rising Antivirus

  Unit 10 E-Commerce and Games

  Text A E-Commerce




