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2010-08-27 16:06

  1.Why not ______ Bill to answer this question?
  A. asked                B. asking                C. ask                  D. asks
  2. Your teeth are not in good condition. ______ your milk without sugar?
  A. Why you have not       B. Why have you not       C. Why have not        D. Why not have
  3. - I usually go to work by bus.    - Why not ______ by bike for a change?
  A. trying to go             B. try going             C. to try going            D. try go
  4. -A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!    -______.
  A. Thank you, the same to you       B. I hope so      C. I wish so       D. I’m glad to hear you
  5. Computers are supposed to save time, but I’m not so sure they______.
  A. have                  B. are                   C. were                   D. do
  6. - Will another fifty be enough?     - Just twenty will ______.
  A. do                    B. work                 C. suit                    D. fit
  1.John is learning Chinese. ______ his sister.
  A. So does              B. Neither is               C. Nor does               D. So is
  2. Linda ______ at the dance tonight, nor will peter.
  A. can’t be               B. will be               C. may not be              D. won’t be
  3. Man cannot live by bread alone, or can he live without bread.
  4. ______ the children came out of the museum did they realize that it was snowing.
  A. As soon as              B. After                C. Not until              D. The moment
  5. Not until the early years of the 19th century ______ what heat is.
  A. man knew           B. didn’t man know          C. man did know          D. did man know
  6. Not until the early 1900s ______ to vote in the United States.
  A. women were allowed                           B. they allowed women
  C. when women were allowed                      D. were women allowed
  7. Not until the game had begun ______ at the sports ground.
  A. he arrived             B. did he arrive            C. he didn’t            D. would he arrive
  8. Not until he finished his homework ______ him to watch TV in the evening.
  A. his mother allowed                             B. his mother had allowed
  C. did his mother allow                            D. had his mother allowed
  9. Never before he has seen such beautiful clothes designed by such a young lady.
  10. No sooner had the thief disappeared into a side street ______.
  A. than the police arrived                        B. when the police arrived
  C. as the police arrived                          D. than police arrived
  11. ______ had he arrived home than it began to rain.
  A. Not until              B. No sooner               C. Scarcely              D. Hardly
  12. No sooner ______ his speech than a young woman stood up to ask a question.
  A. the chairman finished                        B. did the chairman finish
  C. the chairman had finished                     D. had the chairman finished
  13. No sooner ______ the question than the answer came to him.
  A. had he asked           B. he had asked          C. did he ask           D. he asked
  14. Hardly ______ his speech when he saw the audience rise as one.
  A. had he finished         B. did he finish           C. he finished          D. he had finished
  15. Not only we lost all our memory, but we also came close to losing our lives.
  16. Only in this way ______ your English.
  A. you can improve                            B. you will improve
  C. will you improve                            D. can you improve
  17. Only when he had done it ______ that he had made a mistake.
  A. had he come to understand                    B. he came to understand
  C. he had come to understand                    D. did he come to understand
  18. Only if you have a receipt ______ change the goods.
  A. we can                 B. will we               C. we do                D. we will
  19. ______, she was very brave.
  A. Girl as was she         B. A girl as she was        C. As a girl she was        D. Girl as she was
  20. By no means ______ their own language well.
  A. it is true that all English people know        B. is it true that all English people knew
  C. it is that do all English people know         D. is it true that all English people know
  1. We have invited Mr and Mrs Brown to dinner. But We will have to ______ because of the baby’ sickness.      A. took up      B. made up      C. gave up       D. put off
  2. The actress who had been thought highly of ______ to be a great disappointment.
  A. turned up         B. turned out           C. turned down           D. turned in
  3. - It’ s a good idea. But who’ s going to ______ the plan?       - I think Tom will.
  A. carry out          B. get through         C. take in               D. set aside
  4. Without proper lessons, you could ______ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
  A. give up           B. catch up            C. keep up              D. pick up
  5. The computer system suddenly ______ while he was searching for information on the Internet.
  A. broke down        B. broke out           C. broke up             D. broke in
  6. -The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.
  -Don't worry. We have already ________ two thirds of it.
  A. got down           B. got through         C. given in             D. given away




