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灵魂冲浪人经典台词集锦 中英对照版

2016-03-18 15:54


  1.And I have learned that life is a lot like surfing

  我认识到 生活就像冲浪

  2.This is why i endure belly rashes,reef cuts,muscles so tired they feel like noodles


  3.Bethany:They say the Lord works in mysterious ways.I say that's an understatement.Whowould have thought that teaching a kid to surf would teach me that surfing isn't the mostimportant things in the world?And that something else is.Love.Bigger than any tidal wave.Morepowerful than any fear.


  4.Alana:Aren't you afraid?


  Bethany:I'm more afraid of not surfing.


灵魂冲浪人经典台词集锦 中英对照版

  5.whenyou get caught in the impact zong,yu need to get right back up .当你被困在冲击处,你要立刻爬起来

  6.Becauseyou never know what is over the next wave.


  7.Life is an adventure.And sometimes,you wipe out and end up in the impact zone.生活就是一场冒险,有时你得披荆斩棘,最后才能成功。

  8.I was born to surf我为冲浪生来9.This is why I wake up at the crack of dawn every day这是我每天清晨醒来的原因

  10.You see how hard it can be to make sense of things when you're looking at them reallyclose?The same thing's true in life.So,if you guys are dealing with anything,that's just toohard to handle or doesn't seem to make much sense,get a new perspective.当你靠近观察一个东西时,有时候是很难看清它的,生活也是如此,所以你们在处理任何事情的时候,不管是多么棘手的事情,还是小菜一碟的事情,都要从不同的角度来对待它们。

  11.David:The things that you're going to have to learn to do differently is extensive.But thegood news.Those thing you're not gonna be able to do is small.


  12.Life's got to go on the way it's gone on.不论发生什么,生活还是继续。

  13.Bethany:That arm could not com soon enough.Because trying to make do with only one evenharder than it sounds.I mean, fixing your hair is not exactly rocket science. Unless you've onlygot one arm. Then it might as well be a mission to Mars. Every day of my life, for as far back asI could remember, I was in the water. And now, I couldn't even put my bathing suit on. Almosteverything seemed to be a challenge. But what scared me most, was that I might not be ableto surf again. It's so sad.贝萨尼:我还是不能适应没有胳膊的事情,因为现在做什么都只用一个胳膊,远远比说起来男的多。我的意思是,绑头发也没有那么难,除非你只有一只胳膊,或者是个机器人。我极力回忆我曾生活过的每一天,貌似都是在水里度过的,而现在,我甚至连件泳衣都穿不上了,每个事情都是一个挑战。但最让我恐惧的事情,我可能以后再也无法冲浪了。

  14.Bethany:How you said it's hard to see things clearly sometimes when you're too close?Mmm-hmm. Well, I've been trying to get some perspective. I've been really trying. Sarah, howcan this be God's plan for me? I don't understand.贝萨尼:你怎么会说"有时候很难看清事物的本质,当你离得太近的时候"?我一直在试着换一个角度来看待现在的一切,我真的很努力了,莎拉,上帝怎么可以这样对我?我真的不懂。15.Sarah:I don't know why terrible things happen to us sometimes. But I have to believe thatsomething good is going to come out of this. Okay. I don't know what that is. I really wish Idid.莎拉:我不知道为什么有时候特别糟糕的事情会发生在我们身上,但是我要相信"塞翁失马焉知非福",我不知道为什么老天会这样对你,我真希望我可以知道。

  16.Bethany:I thought...I thought at least with clothes on,I could have two arms.Thought I could look normal.


  17.Bethany:I wouldn't change that happened to me,because then I wouldn't have this chance infront of all of you.This chance to embrace more people than I ever could have with two arms.


  18.Bethany:I was born to surf.This is why I wake up at the crack of dawn every day.This is whyi endure belly rashes,reef cuts,muscles so tired they feel like noodles.And I have learned thatlife is a lot like surfing.When you get caught in the impact zone,you need to get right backup.Because you never know what's over the next wave.And if you have faith,anything ispossible Aanything at all.






