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2013-11-11 17:39


  I Swear-----All 4 One

  i swear by the moon and the stars in the skies 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮i'll be there 我必在你左右i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影i'llbe there 我必在你左右for better or worse,till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你and i swear 我发誓

  i gove you everything i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上and when just the two of us are there 当你我独处you won't have to ask if i'd still care 你不在对我的爱存疑cos as the tome turns the page 任时光荏苒my love won'tage at all 我的爱永不老去

  Can't stop Love——Darin Zanyar

  Baby this is where our story starts 宝贝,我们的故事由此开始 I can't stop, can't stop this love 我无法停下对你的这份爱,没有办法 No matter what they say I love you 无论旁人如何闲言碎语,我爱你 I can't stop, can't stop 我停不下来,停不下来

  I love you no matter what they say 我爱你,无论他们说些什么 I love you 我都爱你

  They said this love is the impossible kind 他们说,我们的爱完全不可能

  But we were strong enough to fight for this life 但是我们已经足够强壮地去面对生命中的种种磨难

  I can't stop,can't stop this love 我无法停止对你的这份爱 No matter what they say I love you 无论旁人说什么,我依旧爱你

  With you all the time——Gareth Gates

  you can rest assured I'm always there 你可以放心,我都会在。 even when you feel like you don't belong 即使当你觉得没有归属感 even when you fall and it all goes wrong 即使当你跌到,所有都出错的时候 you know that I'm with you 你要知道,我和你在一起 that I'm with you all the time 我一直和你在一起

  say a little prayer for the restless heart 为疲倦的心作一点点的祈祷 we shall never ever drift apart 我们不会四处的漂流,分开 know that I'm with you 要知道,我和你在一起 know that I'm with you 要知道,我和你在一起 with you all the time 永远的和你在一起 I'm walking round the room 我在房间里转来转去 I'm laughing when you smile 当你笑的时候,我会笑 and when you cry I cry too 当你哭的时候,我也一样的哭 I made you a promise 我对你许下一个承诺




